Login Page Version 1.0

A login page for apps that allows the user to sign up/ sign in.

Description: The page allows the user to utilize their emails to sign up after which they can sign in using that email at any time. They can also use their Google account to automatically sign in whenever they want using the Google icon.

The Project consists of 4 pages:

  1. MainActivity: This is the main page of the app. Here you can use your registered email to log in to the app.
  2. googlePage: This is the page you are taken to after the user successfully logs in.
  3. ForgotPassword: This is the page you are taken to in case you forgot the password to your email. It sends a link to your email to reset your password.
  4. registerpage: This is the page where you register your email.

Main Key Words:

User Instructions:

  1. Git Clone the project
  2. Run it on Android Studio

Github Link: EnyetullahRahimullahlogin/Github